Joey Cooper is doing so so so so great! He saw the local surgeon at end of Sept and we were told we did not have to dilate anymore….BUT when we spoke w/ our Cincinnati surgeon he recommended weaning him off the dilator- which will take another few months. So we still dilate, now down to every other day. In a couple weeks we drop down to every two days, then once per week, then every other week, then once per month…so by late winter we should be done with the dilator FOR GOOD!!
Joey Coop is pooping like crazy! YAH! He has even tried some of the ‘be careful/binding’ foods (like banana, sweet potato and yogurt). He has done terrific w/ all of them. They have not caused any issues at all (except major diaper rash- yogurt!).
We don’t have to go back to surgeon again till December. We are so so so so so happy and feel very peaceful right now- not in a constant state of worry. It feels good to exhale.
Thanks for keeping up w/ our blog! Happy Autumn!