
After 8 weeks of not pooping on his own we have resumed an ‘aggressive’ poop schedule! I cannot believe that after 8 weeks of on/off entero and of his system shutting down he is now pooping again. WOW!

I didn’t want to post until I was pretty certain that we had turned a corner. Last Saturday (9/18) he started pooping and it has been great ever since. We changed his lax schedule to 1/2 dropper of Senna 2x per day and maybe that made the difference. I am pretty certain it just took all that time for things to wake-up but for now Senna 2x day will be what we will do.

Now hopefully he resumes sleeping though the night and praying that the dreaded rash does not rear its UGLY head. We are trying to stay on top of it but he is getting a rash again- just hope it is not as bad as it has been in the past. He needs a break. He has been through so much since this all started on 7/28.

So happy that my little man is feeling better. Now we have to put some weight on him. He lost about 2-3 lbs during this whole ordeal. Joe and I are so incredibly happy.

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